Milady is a space that brings together all the things that make me feel completely content. It’s a curated collection of my style, adventures, lifestyle, and thoughts.
Over the years, my friends and family have always told me that I should share my experiences and lifestyle on a blog. Don’t get me wrong I myself have thought about launching my own blog many times before, but something always got in the way. Either I couldn’t think of a name, or I was too consumed with trying to navigate life after college, or I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep it up. Well after going through some challenging obstacles this year I finally decided to pour myself into my very own blog, and so Milady began.
My dad was actually the one who thought my blog should be called Milady (full disclosure my family had just binged watched all the seasons of Downton Abbey). It’s the perfect name because it reflects how I see myself and how the things I write about make me feel. Elegant, poised, confident, and timeless.
On my last trip to Europe, a waiter called me Milady and it overwhelmed me with happiness. I hope this blog gives you that same overwhelming feeling and inspires you to continue creating and discovering it.
xx, Jennifer