Almost exactly a year ago I got unexpectedly laid off from my job, and although I know this happens to a lot of people ( it totally sucks) I didn’t expect to be unemployed for eight months.
Around five months into being unemployed is when I really started to get some major anxiety. So many times I thought I was going to get a job and for some reason or another things fell through, and this constant roller coaster of hope and disappointment is what led me to become anxious and to be completely honest depressed. I know I needed to start paying more attention to my mental and physical health which is how I ended up discovering Melissa Wood Health (aka MWH).
Long Lean Lines
Melissa Wood is all about accepting yourself, exactly as you are, and believes that once you’ve accepted yourself and your situation that’s when true transformation starts. And let’s be honest I was ready for a transformation. Her practice combines pilates, yoga, and meditation into workouts that instantly boost your mood and get your body moving.
I’m not going to lie in the beginning these workouts were so hard. I felt weak, unmotivated to even do a twenty-minute pilates flow, and bad about myself. Instead of throwing in the towel I stuck with Melissa’s flows, was constantly inspired by her Instagram, and before I knew it was able to hold poses that had before seemed impossible.
I’ve now been practicing pilates with MWH for six months and can’t picture my life without her flows. A month after committing to this practice I saw transformations in my body and my life. I landed my dream job, moved to a city I’ve always wanted to call home, and have learned to love the stage of my life that I’m in.
Of course, everyone always asks me how expensive it is to join MWH, and I’m always so pleased to say that it’s beyond affordable. Melissa offers a seven-day free trial, $9.99 a month, or $99.99 for a whole year. It’s honestly like having a Netflix subscription just way better for you, and who wouldn’t want that?!
Xx Jen